To use these starter dashboards, you need:
IBM Transaction Analysis Workbench for z/OS
The starter dashboards use JSON Lines data from Transaction Analysis Workbench.
You must have configured Transaction Analysis Workbench to forward data to Logstash.
Elastic Stack
The starter dashboards and related Elastic Stack artifacts were developed and tested in Elastic Stack 7.15.2. For compatibility with other versions of Elastic Stack, see the Elastic Stack documentation.
Screen resolution
The dashboards were developed on a screen with a resolution of 1920 ✕ 1080 pixels.
At lower resolutions, some dashboards might exhibit rendering issues.
What you need to know
To install the starter dashboards, you need to know how to configure the Elastic Stack.
To forward data to the starter dashboards, you need to know how to configure Transaction Analysis Workbench.
To use the starter dashboards, you need to know how to use Kibana, and you need to understand the attributes shown in the dashboards.