Customize Kibana space settings

  1. In Kibana, go to the space for the z/OS bundle.

  2. Select Management ▶ Stack Management ▶ Kibana: Advanced Settings

  3. Set the following values:

    • In the Search category, set Ignore filter(s) to On

    • In the General category:

      • Set Default route to:


        When you go to the space, this value causes Kibana to show the Address CPU utilization dashboard.

      • Set Time filter defaults to the last 24 hours (this is a recommendation only: set whatever default time filter meets your requirements):

          "from": "now-24h",
          "to": "now"

About the Ignore filter(s) setting

Pinned filters in Kibana are useful to maintain consistent filtering when switching between dashboards. For example, to limit results to a particular system. However, different dashboards use different index patterns. If a visualization uses an index pattern that does not contain the field whose value is restricted by a pinned filter, then, by default, the visualization shows no results.

For example, some dashboards can be usefully filtered by the job_name field, so it makes sense for users to pin a filter for job_name.

However, the data for other dashboards might not include a job_name field. For those dashboards, by default, a job_name filter causes the dashboard visualizations to display "No results found".

To ignore a filter if the field is not in the index pattern, set the Ignore filter(s) (courier:ignoreFilterIfFieldNotInIndex) setting to On.

Last Updated:
Contributors: Graham Hannington, Viaceslavas Michalkevicius